Duty Free Market is one the fastest growing market @ 6.7% C.A.G.R. the current market size is 75 billion US$ which may reach to 125 billion US$ till 2025 while airlines only getting 4.6% of this market.
Global Sales2018 Global Sales 2025 CAGR
75 Billions US$ 125 Billion US$ 6.7%
Airelogics providesairlines as well as airport duty free shop solutions. The core focus is to use customer touch points to entice customer and turn into to sales. At present most of duty free market sales are impulse sales with relatively low price tag. Airelogics Duty Free System use customer touch point smartly not only for impulse sales but also deliberated sales. Focusing on both type of sales will increasechances of high price product sales and good sales ratio.
Airelogics duty free shop consist of two major products
Airelogics Inflight Duty Free shop system (AIDFS)
Airlines low market share is not due to airport duty free shop strength… Read more
Airelogic Airport Duty Free Shop System (AADFS)
Air ventures in-flight duty free system give better sales ratio by providing...Read More